Thursday, March 28, 2019

Uploading & Checking my videos

I still have one more day of shooting to go but I began the uploading process to WeVideo because I have A TON of videos for the platform to process and transfer to the cloud, which can be a lengthy process when doing it all at once. I also want to go through every video I took because I want to make sure that the shots aren't out of focus and that there's diversity in the type of angles and camera movements. After uploading them all to WeVideo I began to inspect them, doing so I found that I didn't like some of the shots, they felt odd and out of place. The biggest problem with most shots is the camera's focus because it was all filmed in a low light environment with many props on the table, the camera had a hard time focusing on one subject. This caused some of the videos to have random focus pulls and others to have a lense focusing interruption halfway through a shot. After reviewing all my videos I decided I wanted to re shoot day #3; not fully, but definitely parts of it. I've scheduled the re shoots for tomorrow, I'm lucky my dad is off work then!

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The Begining

Hello! My name is Luis! I’m a creative extrovert that enjoys studying advanced management, business, and media. Welcome to my Media Studie...