Saturday, March 9, 2019

Storytime! NO MORE CHANGES!!!

After making and scrapping two storyboards I finally have my final story! I made myself a promise there are NO MORE changes to the story!! This is the only way I'll be able to make progress in this project, after weeks of planning here it goes!

Original Background Story :

It's 1945. The United States is segregated, the civil rights movement is beginning and white supremacists' hate crimes are as prominent as ever. Someone must take action in order to prevent a possible civil war, Stanphord University (way to evade copyright ðŸ˜‰) conducts an experiment to explore the nature of racism, what is the cause? nature or nurture? The researchers construct 2 highly-controlled communities, one race-balanced and another one with small racism indicators to study whether kids growing up in a non-racist environment display signs of racism. The children were all adopted for the study at birth, and one group was raised with neutral, paid actors as parents.

In 1963, two of the kids (one White and one African American) have grown up and while attending local college begin to think what awaits them outside of their "city", the 18-year-old break the boundaries of the experiment in a reckless teenage adventure. After escaping the confinement of the experiment, they find themselves in the middle of the civil rights movement. Even with the great divide of society, the two remain best friends, they are unable to see why people are engaged in conflict over something so simple and insignificant. The experimenters track them down and discover the true depth of their relationship and the efforts they make to contribute to the civil rights movement, they then decide to release two more teens from the opposite community to compare them to. They find that even when the White teen had no previous indication of intolerant racism, he ends up being persuaded to join the KKK and killing his high school "friend". Based on this, the experimenters concluded that racism is not innate, but rather environmental. The program is shut down and the files are locked away from the public as "classified".

The Opening's Story:

My opening's story is set far after the program's closure in 1965. It's 2017 and racism begins to become prominent in the mainstream media once more, hate crimes rise, and the racist individuals are increasingly gaining influence in business and politics. The original researcher at Stanphord University has passed away, but his research assistant from 1960 now 80 years-old, digs up the experiment's files at the order of the APA; the experiment is reopened. A new public to hide it from, a new era in ethics... How to keep it secret? How to control it? How to report it? Many questions surface but one thing is certain, project "Y7Y" has been reopened.

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The Begining

Hello! My name is Luis! I’m a creative extrovert that enjoys studying advanced management, business, and media. Welcome to my Media Studie...